
Subversion conflict
Subversion conflict

Specifying the anycodings_svn -reintegrate option, you're asking anycodings_svn Subversion toĬarefully replicate only anycodings_svn those changes unique to your branch. There's no anycodings_svn simple contiguous range of revisions to anycodings_svn copy over. Of anycodings_svn both duplicated trunk changes and anycodings_svn private branch changes, so Your anycodings_svn feature branch is now a mishmash When merging your branch back to the anycodings_svn trunk, however, the underlyingĪnycodings_svn mathematics are quite different. You can read about this in the anycodings_svn documentation: You can anycodings_svn achieve this with the -reintegrate anycodings_svn switch. The way to avoid this, is to do a anycodings_svn special merge, a reintegration. When you merge your branch back into the anycodings_svn trunk, SVN tries to do the same again: anycodings_svn It sees that a file was created in your anycodings_svn branch, and tries to create it in your anycodings_svn trunk in the merge commit, but it anycodings_svn already exists! This creates a tree anycodings_svn conflict. In anycodings_svn the merge commit this file will be anycodings_svn created in your branch also. What's happening here is the following: anycodings_svn You create a new file on your trunk, anycodings_svn then you merge it into your branch. In TortoiseSVN, selecting "Resolved" on anycodings_svn right click, actually resolves this anycodings_svn issue. In this way, we are suggesting SVN to anycodings_svn resolve the conflict (-resolve), anycodings_svn accepting the working copy inside your anycodings_svn sandbox (-accept working), recursively anycodings_svn (-R), starting from the current anycodings_svn directory (.). anycodings_svn This applies only to the conflicted anycodings_svn directory. WARNING: "Committing your working anycodings_svn directory" means that your sandbox anycodings_svn structure will be the one you are anycodings_svn committing, so if, for instance, you anycodings_svn deleted some file from your sandbox they anycodings_svn will be deleted from the repository too. Summarizing to resolve the tree conflict anycodings_svn committing your working directory with anycodings_svn SVN client 1.6.x you can use: svn resolve -accept working -R. I found the solution reading the link anycodings_svn that Gary gave (and I suggest to follow anycodings_svn this way).

Subversion conflict